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Web Agency Fortune Support Center

Got a problem with Web Agency Fortune? Don’t worry!
Check out this page for the fastest solutions for common problems.
You can also contact me through this page if you need.

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Downloading the Files

Web Agency Fortune files are delivered to you through Dropbox and Google Drive links that are constantly-monitored and regularly-updated. If you have any question or problem regarding downloading, you can check out the FAQs here or send me an email to

Do I have to download all the files on the download pages?

If you purchase more than one product in the funnel, there may be too much files to download at once. I’d recommend that you start with the website templates and tutorial videos. You can bookmark the download page and come back later.

What is a Zip file? How can I open it?

Zip file is a popular file format these days that helps us compress a folder of different files into one file for easy online sharing.
After you download the zip files in Web Agency Fortune, you’ll need to use a software like 7-zip ( to unzip them. You can watch this video to learn how to do it:

I got an 'Access Denied' page when downloading, what should I do?

Don’t worry, it’s probably because your access key has expired or you have cleared your browser cache recently. You can log in to your WarriorPlus or JVZoo account to access the download links again. If you purchased directly from me, please send me an email to to get the new download link.

Why do I have to click 'Download Anyway' for Google Drive link?

It’s the notice from Google Drive when the file is too large for Google Drive to scan for virus. But don’t worry about it. Just click Download Anyway. Web Agency Fortune files are checked and scanned thoroughly, are 100% clean and safe.

I can't access Google Drive, what should I do?

It’s rare, but in some cases, you can’t download files from Google Drive. If so, please send me an email to or fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page and I will get an alternative download link for you.

I can't download anything, what should I do?

Please send me an email to or fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page with the details of the error you’re having. I’ll be glad to help.

I got an error message that says it’s 'missing style.css stylesheet'. What should I do?
You did not use the files the correct way. The template files for Web Agency Fortune should not be installed as a theme. You need to download the Divi theme on the download page and install to your WP site, then follow the tutorial videos to import the template files.
I got an error that says 'The link you followed has expired'?

The error that says ‘The link you followed has expired’ is not because of the theme but from the PHP setting of your WordPress site.
Please refer to this article for more details and how to fix that: With such an issue, you can always go to your hosting provider and open a live chat to ask for help.

When I imported the template files, it said 'This file should not be imported in this context'.

It’s because you imported the wrong file. There are 3 types of JSON files for importing.
– The ‘Theme Options’ file should be imported to Divi > Theme Options.
– The ‘Theme Customizer’ file should be imported to Divi > Theme Customizer.
– The ‘Theme Builder Templates’ file should be imported to Divi > Theme Builder.

I can't import the XML file, what should I do?

XML import can fail due to various reasons including server speed, PHP settings, browser caching, sudden browser refresh. Please watch the video about Divi Support Center to see if you need to improve your server statistics. After that, if you’re still unable to import the XML file, you can watch the tutorial about Divi Library Import and try that method.

I imported the pages but the images are linked from your demo site?

It’s because you didn’t check the ‘Download and Import File Attachments’. You can delete all the pages, posts and menus and try to import again.

Something went wrong and I wanted to start over. Can I do that?

Yes, you can use a plugin called ‘Advanced WordPress Reset’. Go to Plugins > Add New and search for it or download from here It will help you reset the database so you have a fresh WordPress site to start over.

Installing the Websites

Web Agency Fortune files are well-organized for ease of use. If you have a WordPress site ready, you can follow the tutorial videos and install a WAF website quickly. If you have any question or problem installing the websites, you can check out the FAQs here or send me an email to

Customizing the Sites

Web Agency Fortune are designed for everyone, NOT just designers or coders. I’m a non-techie just like you and I always try my best to design beautiful websites while keeping them as simple as possible. Following my tutorial videos and documents, you can learn to edit the sites and work with Divi theme. If you have any question or problem when customizing the websites, you can check out the FAQs here or send me an email to

How do I make a page my home page?

To set a page as your home page, you can go to WordPress Dashboard > Settings > Reading, Set Your Homepage Display to A Static Page and select your page from the dropdown.

How can I edit the menus?

You can go to Appearance > Menus to edit the menu items. It’s easy to add, rename or remove a menu item as you wish.

How can I make the logo bigger?

You can go to Divi > Theme Builder > Edit Global Header > Go to the Menu module (or Image Module if the logo is an image) > Go to Settings > Designs > Sizing > Increase Max Height Value.

I can't edit an image on the site.

That image may not be an image module but a background. You can try to:
– Go to Module Settings (most likely a Blurb setting), scroll down to Background and see if the module has a Background image.
– Go to Row Settings > Click the gear icon on the column, go to Background to see if the column has a background.

I can't open the Divi Visual Builder, what should I do?

There may be a plugin conflict. You can check if your website has a plugin related to page builder (Classic Editor, Elementor or other page builder). If you have one of those plugins installed, you can try to disable them. If you can’t figure out how to fix that, you can contact me with your website address and possibly a temporary login account and I will look into it for you.

I can't save pages. It says 'Your Save Has Failed...'

The two most common causes of this are:
1- Your server resource are too low. Please watch the video about Divi Support Center to see if you need to improve your server statistics.
2- Your server may have ModSecurity turned on to prevent attacks… You need to contact your hosting provider and ask them to turn it off or whitelist certain php functions related to page builder.

Can I change the font and color on the websites?
Yes, you can. But there is no global options set up in Web Agency Fortune templates. You will need to change the fonts and color in each module. If you want to learn more about Global Preset for Divi, you can go here
How can I get the Map Module to work?

You can see this article for more details on the Divi Map Module: The API key should be taken from Google Dev Console and you’ll have to enable billing to make the API key work.
There is a way to use Google Map without an API key. Please read this:
Following the article, you will get an embed code from Google Map. You can then go to the site, delete the Map module, add a Code Module to the place and paste the embed code there.

My website looks weird on the front-end.

It’s mostly a caching issue. Here’s a few steps you can do to clear the cache:
1- Clear all the caching or deactivate the plugin if you’re using a caching plugin.
2- Go to Divi > Theme Options > Performance, disable all the performance options then turn them on one by one to see what caused the styling issue.
3- Go to Divi > Theme Options > Builder > Advanced and Disable ‘Static CSS File Generation’.
4- Check if your server has a server-level cache and clear it.

My website is slow. How can I improve the site speed?

Divi’s speed has been improved significantly since version 4.10.1. Here are a few steps you can do to improve your site’s speed:
1- Go to Divi > Theme Options > Performance and turn on the Performance Options.
2- Install a good caching plugin. You can check out the web designer resource in the tutorial folder for some recommendations.
3- Check out this article for an overview about Divi site speed and how you can optimize site speed from the root of your website.

What's the best way to optimize Divi websites for SEO?
If you want to do SEO for Divi websites, I’d recommend RankMath plugin. You can click here for a detailed guide on how to do on-page SEO with RankMath.
What's the best caching plugin?

There are many great caching plugins you can use. If you can invest in a paid plugin, I’d recommend WP Rocket or Viper Cache. Links to those plugins are in the Web Designer Resource document in the tutorial.

How can I optimize the images?
You can use an image compress plugin like Smush. I personally don’t like those plugins. I usually compress the images manually before uploading to the sites. is an awesome free website to do that.
How can I update the theme?

Please watch the tutorial video about updating the theme in the tutorial. Basically, you can go to the Divi Theme Dropbox folder to download the latest version of the theme, then manually update it on your website.

Optimizing the Websites

Web Agency Fortune websites are well-structured and can easily be optimized for SEO, PPC and other purposes. If you have any question or problem with optimizing the websites, you can check out the FAQs here or send me an email to


If you have any question with the product, you can check out the FAQs here or ask me directly.

Do I need to purchase Divi?

A Divi license is not required to make Web Agency Fortune work. With your Web Agency Fortune purchase, you’re getting a legal, clean and regularly-updated copy of Divi theme to use on unlimited website. But if you want to do web design for the long term, I’d recommend that you get a Divi license for extra benefits:
– Auto-update Feature for you and your clients
– Divi Layout Library ( 160 Templates)
– Support from ElegantThemes

How should I install the demo sites?

You can create subdirectories on your website to install demo sites. Example:,

Can I install multiple demo website on one WordPress instance?

No, you shouldn’t do that. Each website is designed with a unique color palette, header and footer so you should only install one website to one WordPress instance.

Are you working on new niches?

Web Agency Fortune is my ongoing series so yes, I’m constantly working on new niches. I will release a new Web Agency Fortune product every few months. You can contact me if you want to suggest a new niche.

How do I change the copyright text on the footer?

You can go to Divi > Theme Builder > Edit Global Footer. There is a text module for that and you can edit it easily.

Contact Me

Can’t find a solution in the FAQs? Contact me through the form here or reach out to me through one of the channels below:
– Email:
– Skype: fairydawn2812
– Facebook:

Fill out this quick form to contact me:

– Please include your exact purchase email so that I know about the products you’ve purchased.
– Please be as specific as possible about your issue so that I can support you better and faster.
– Include your website address if you’re having issue with your site.
– If you need to send images, please upload your images to an image hosting (like and send the image links through the form.

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